Many of us are currently self-isolating. Now that we’re spending so much time in our homes, are there steps you can take to better protect your family from COVID-19? Handwashing and physical distancing are a good start, but UV air purifiers and advanced furnace filters might be able to help too.
Rely on Trustworthy Sources for Information on COVID-19
Alongside the spread of COVID-19, there seems to be a spread of misinformation. For trustworthy resources in the Winnipeg area, look to the government agencies listed below.
Is it Safe to Let Technicians & Repair People Into My Home?
Like other essential services, plumbing and HVAC companies remain open. As an essential service, Furnasman Heating & Air Conditioning is committed to providing installation and repair services in the safest way possible.
All of our technicians are taking extra precautions to keep you safe. On top of our typical clean uniforms and booties, we’re washing our hands or using hand sanitizer as often as possible. We’re also practicing physical distancing, so don’t be alarmed when we don’t shake your hand.
Additionally, any employees who are feeling sick are asked to stay home. Please follow similar precautions by letting us know if anyone in your home is sick so that we can prepare accordingly.
Can Air Purifiers or Air Filters Eliminate COVID-19?
Air Purifiers
UV air purifiers are designed to kill microorganisms, including viruses. As air passes through your HVAC system, the UV light damages the microorganism’s DNA. Once the DNA is damaged, viruses or other microorganisms become harmless.
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus, so there isn’t any research on UV light and COVID-19 specifically. However, research has been done on other types of coronavirus that indicates UV light is helpful. UV light is known to kill MERS-CoV and SARS, which are other forms of coronavirus.
Air Filters
Similar to air purifiers, there is no research specific to COVID-19 available. That said, some air filters can filter out particles similar in size to COVID-19.
Air filters that are able to filter out coronavirus-sized particles need to have a MERV rating of at least 8. HEPA air filters are one option, as they usually have a MERV rating between 17-20 and can filter out 99.97% of airborne particles.
What About Hospital Filtration Systems?
Hospitals use specialized equipment to handle their air quality needs. In many cases, hospitals use a combination of UV light, air filters, airflow management, and humidity control to keep the air as clean as possible. On top of this specialized equipment, hospitals also have dedicated maintenance staff, as well as strict sanitation procedures in general.
Some equipment hospitals use, like UV air purifiers, are available in home versions. It’s important to remember, however, that there are still many unknowns surrounding COVID-19, and more research needs to be done. While adding a UV air purifier or specialized air filter to your home probably won’t hurt, it should be done alongside techniques like handwashing and physical distancing.

Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Safe
Wash Your Hands
You should wash your hands whenever you return your home from a public space or after caring for someone who is sick. According to the World Health Organization, to wash your hands properly, you should:
- Wash your hands for 20-30 seconds.
- Use soap and running water.
- Rub all areas of your hands.
- Dry your hands completely.
Follow Physical Distancing
If you need to leave the house, make sure you’re following physical distancing guidelines. Stay at least 2 metres or 2 arm’s lengths away from others when in public spaces. Avoid physical contact with others, like handshakes and hugs.
Stay Home
In order to protect your family and your community, try and stay home as much as possible, especially if you feel sick. If you think you have COVID-19, call Manitoba Health Link at (431) 301-4805. Only call 911 if for emergencies, like problems breathing.
These are uncertain times, but the team at Furnasman Heating and Air Conditioning is here to help. We’re spending more time at home, and we want to make sure your home is as comfortable as possible. for 24/7 assistance for all of your home comfort needs.